Haunted Magazine caught up with Nick and asked him to tell us more about Paranormal Lockdown and his fascination with all things spooky.
Can you tell us a bit about what to
expect from Paranormal Lockdown With Nick Groff? Paranormal Lockdown is my relentless pursuit to
capture the best evidence that could change the way people feel about ghosts
and the paranormal. Katrina and I subject ourselves to 72 hours inside
the country's most haunted locations, armed with brand new and sometimes
never-seen-before paranormal devices, to not only capture the best evidence but
also help those that are tormented by malevolent paranormal activity.
How did you first get into paranormal
investigations? I've been fascinated by all things paranormal since
childhood. I used to get permission to explore abandoned hospitals before I
knew anything about the paranormal. Then I had an experience, which led me to
learn more about the unexplainable.
Have you always been a believer? I'm open-minded about everything in the paranormal.
I'm a logical thinker, but want to continue searching out the paranormal in
order to understand it better.
What would you say to the skeptics? I've met several skeptics that have never had a
paranormal experience. I've informed many skeptics that they need to immerse
themselves into a situation where they could potentially witness something
that's not explainable before forming an opinion. Sometimes curious people must
seek out the paranormal in specific places in order to witness something, while
others just get lucky with paranormal phenomena revealing itself
Do you think scary movies match up to
the reality? And, if so, which movie do you think is the best? Most scary movies do match up with what most people
actually experience in reality. I think some scenes in various scary movies are
accurate right before they cross the line for entertainment purposes.
"The Exorcist,” “The Others" (2001), “Stir of Echoes” (1999) and
“Insidious” (2010) in my opinion have various scenes that I would say are
accurate to real-life paranormal experiences.
Can you talk us through some of the
equipment you use? Recently, my "go to" devices for
capturing spirit voices is George Brown's GeoPort and Steve Huff's
Wonderbox. Katrina and I have captured numerous spirit voices on these
two ghost boxes and after researching them, they've revealed hidden clues and
facts. For every new season of Paranormal Lockdown, I
think it's very crucial to use brand new devices, upgrade old ones and conduct
experiments relating to new theories in an effort to keep advancing our
paranormal investigations. I also think it's crucial to work with others in the
paranormal field who bring their unique perspectives to our
What has been the most active site you
have conducted an investigation at? Hinsdale house, Shrewsbury prison in the UK, Trans
Allegheny Lunatic Asylum and many others...
Have you ever been genuinely frightened
while filming the show? The one time I was extremely frightened was at the
Hinsdale house. Mary's room felt so oppressive. The energy or presence wanted
to harm me. The land is just as scary as the house. So many layers of hauntings
and history. It has an energetic, telepathic draw to it!

You’ve been to some haunted locations
in the UK. How do British ghosts compare to American ghosts? I've found that the paranormal energy is high in
Europe. This comes as no surprise given the amount of lives lost over the
centuries due to the Black Plague, Crusades and World Wars. That being said, I
still believe that the paranormal activity in the UK is very much like our own
here in America.
Is there any where you haven’t
investigated yet that is on your wish list? There are several locations all around the world
I'd love to investigate. So much history and hauntings to explore outside the
United States.
Nick's 13 signs to look out for that your property might be Haunted:
1. Unexplained noises - Footsteps; knocks, banging,
rapping, scratching sounds, and sounds of something being dropped.
2. Doors, cabinets, and cupboards opening and closing - Most often, this phenomenon is not seen directly. Residents of
the house may hear doors opening and closing (homeowners know quite well the
distinctive sounds their houses make) or may return to a room to find a door
open when they're certain that it was left in closed.
3. Cold or hot spots - Cold spots are classic haunting
symptoms; any instance of a noticeable variance in temperature without a
discernible cause could be evidence.
4. Lights turning off and on - Likewise, these events are seldom
witnessed as they occur. Rather, the lights are switched on or off when the
homeowner knows they weren't left that way. This can also happen with TVs,
radios and other electrically powered items.
5. Items disappearing and reappearing - This is known as the Disappearing Object Phenomenon (DOP), "the
DOPler Effect" or "the borrowers" phenomenon, and it's the
familiar experience of not being able to find a regularly used item—say, your
set of car keys—which you believe you placed in a spot you routinely place
them. But they're gone and you look high and low for them with no success.
6. Unexplained smells - The distinct fragrance of a perfume
or cologne that you don't have in your house can indicate a supernatural
presence. This phenomenon may come and go without any apparent cause. The odor
may be pleasant or foul.
7. Unexplained shadows - The sighting of fleeting shapes and
shadows, usually seen out of the corner of the eye. This phenomenon has also
been discussed in some detail in the book called "Shadow People."
Many times, the shadows have vaguely human forms, while other times they're
less distinguishable or smaller.
8. Strange animal behavior - A dog, cat or other pet behaves
strangely. Dogs may bark at something unseen, cower without apparent reason or
refuse to enter a room they normally do. Cats may seem to be
"watching" something cross a room. Animals have sharper senses than
9. Feelings of being watched - This is not an uncommon feeling and
can be attributed to many things, but it could have a paranormal source if the
feeling consistently occurs in a particular part of the house at a particular
10. Feelings of being touched - Feeling an unexplained touch is truly
unsettling. Some people may feel something brush past them, a light brush of
their hair, or a "hand" on the shoulder. Some feel a gentle poke,
push or nudge.
11. Moving or levitating objects (severe psychokinetic phenomena) - Dinner plates sliding across the table; pictures flying off walls;
doors slamming shut with great force; furniture sliding across the floor.
12. Physical assault - Scratches, slaps, and hard shoves.
This kind of personal assault is extremely rare, but obviously very disturbing.
Other physical evidence –includes unexplained writing on paper or walls; hand
prints and footprints.
13. Apparitions - Physical manifestation of a spirit
or entity. This phenomenon is also very rare and can take many forms:
human-shaped mists or forming mists of some indistinguishable shape;
transparent human forms that disappear quickly; and most rarely, human forms
that look as real and solid as any living person, but that disappear into a
room or even disappear while being viewed.
AND DON'T FORGET You can catch Paranormal Lockdown with Nick Groff on Thursday March the 16th at 9pm.
1 comment:
Paranormal Lockdown is 100% Fab! If u havent watched it n ur a paranormal tv addict u wont be dissappointed.
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