So, we want to find out how much are ghost hunters worth, now we've all heard the saying YOU ARE WORTH YOUR WEIGHT IN GOLD yes? Which means that if you're a skinny fella then you're not really worth that much, but if you're more robust and solid then there's a decent chance that you're going to be worth more in gold than johnny-thin-fella.
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TRUST US, these are the questions that are asked most on ghost hunts across the country (look below at a recent recorded conversation from 30 East Drive, Pontefract - THIS ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE)
Ghost Hunter A: You know what?
Ghost Hunter B: What?
Ghost Hunter A: I been thinking whilst we're waiting for the Alice Box to give us a word
Ghost Hunter B: Hey, you go steady, what with all this thinking malarkey
Ghost Hunter A: (laughing) oooh you are so funny
Ghost Hunter B: So, what you been thinking then?
Ghost Hunter A: You know the saying 'you are worth your weight in gold?'
Ghost Hunter B: Yes
Ghost Hunter A: Well I been thinking what is my worth in chocolate, not gold?
Ghost Hunter B: You what?
Ghost Hunter A: Chocolate, why doesn't someone ever say 'you are worth your weight in chocolate?'
Ghost Hunter B: Oh ok, you been spending too much time on lone vigils mate.
Ghost Hunter A: Probably, fancy a Twix?
Ghost Hunter B: Hmmmm, you got a Drifter in your bag instead?
(Alice beeps - on screen the word MADNESS appears)
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Because we asked a few, look:
Haunted Magazine: So, what do you make of this how much am I worth question that seems to be spreading like ectoplasm amongst the ghost hunting collective?
So-called expert A: I am baffled, but I do know that orbs aren't real, they're just dust particles
So-called expert B: Am also baffled, but I do know that if you have a wifi connection in the haunted location it can make them toy things called K2 meters go off, even flash into the red bit
So-called expert C: I am as baffled as my other expert colleagues who have just commented, but I do know that paranormal events companies are making it damn hard for us experts to access locations public to ghost hunt is insane, I spent years doing this, I know what I am because locations are now charging us a fortune. And if I may say to allow the public to ghost hunt is just insane, I have spent years researching the paranormal and I know what I am doing and talking about, not waving some pointless dowsing road at a brick wall and shouting touch me, make a noise or other crazy phrases.
Haunted Magazine (yawning): Ok, thanks for that guys. Nodding off then.
Haunted Magazine: So, what do you make of this how much am I worth question that seems to be spreading like ectoplasm amongst the ghost hunting collective?
So-called expert A: I am baffled, but I do know that orbs aren't real, they're just dust particles
So-called expert B: Am also baffled, but I do know that if you have a wifi connection in the haunted location it can make them toy things called K2 meters go off, even flash into the red bit
So-called expert C: I am as baffled as my other expert colleagues who have just commented, but I do know that paranormal events companies are making it damn hard for us experts to access locations public to ghost hunt is insane, I spent years doing this, I know what I am because locations are now charging us a fortune. And if I may say to allow the public to ghost hunt is just insane, I have spent years researching the paranormal and I know what I am doing and talking about, not waving some pointless dowsing road at a brick wall and shouting touch me, make a noise or other crazy phrases.
Haunted Magazine (yawning): Ok, thanks for that guys. Nodding off then.

CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW AND LET US KNOW... (hey don't worry you can even lie about your weight...)
#dontbenormal BE PARANORMAL
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